Monday, August 13, 2007


A New Task

"This week, since you have bookmarked some of the blogs that interested you, you will follow those blogs on a daily basis. I want you to read through them as much as you can. You are allowed to post a comment or two to any of the blogs postings that you feel you might be able to contribute to, or if you have a particular question to that poster regarding that post that you wish to have clarified. Remember, you are in information gathering mode here.

If you do post, I expect to have your comment emailed to me so I can see that you are acting properly. You are mine. As such, your actions online reflect upon me. Plus I also wanna see what you posted!

In a few weeks time, I will give you a survey to take. Listed on that survey will be all sorts of kinks and items of interest, that you will rate according to your interest level in trying them or not (some will be scary--not gonna do that! No way! No how! ONION!). Because you will have been reading up on these things with the blogs, and online resources, as well as the books we have at home, I do not expect you to be asking me questions every other minute on "what's this mean?".

The survey will let me see just how much you have learned, as well as letting your Master know, now that you have become more informed, what areas you are interested in exploring.

Each night, I will ask you about your readings. This will be the time that you and I can discuss them, thoughts, questions, revelations, etc. Perhaps even try a few things out that you read from someone else's blog!


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